Longshot Odds – Struggle, Rinse, Repeat.

I first got a taste of South Carolina’s Longshot Odds last year when Allegedly Records did a split comp with their label, River Monster Records. Their LP, So Far To Go, quickly became a constant spin after that and I have been eagerly anticipating their next release.

That wait finally ended last week when they dropped their latest single, “Struggle. Survive. Repeat.”, off of their upcoming album, Stress Marks. As soon as the song kicks off – you hear the familiar sound that belongs only to this established band. The upbeat and fast paced tempo delivered by Wittmere, Dunlap, and West pairs perfectly, and almost masks the harsh reality of the lyrics sung by North. “Well, now I don’t wanna live like that. On the edge of desperate.” As a socio-economic movement brews in the air, Longshot Odds offers up this catchy anthem (with it’s phenomenal musical breakdown) to the playlist for change. 

The full album drops on 11/12/22, don’t miss it!

Breezy McMullen is the Editor in Chief at PA and Find Out. In addition to her duties there, she is also a co-owner of Allegedly Records and a founding member of the international co-op, Scene to Scene. When she’s not herding children or musicians, you can find her in the woods or on a lake getting stoned…. probably. 

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