Old Bay Thrashers – Spaceship Earth

Now, I’m not going to lie and say that this is going to be a totally unbiased review. I don’t get down like that. So I’m going to start out by saying that I love these dudes. I’ve played with them a bunch of times and I’m always stoked. That being said, I don’t lie. So if I didn’t dig Spaceship Earth, I wouldn’t have told them, “Hey, yeah dudes, I’ll totally review it.”

So the album starts out with the instrumental intro, “AOS”. When it first begins, it reminds me a lot of something that should be on a surf rock band’s album, which I dig. Then it kicks in with some edge, but keeps the same vibe overall.

Next, they move into a song called “Siren.” These dudes are geniuses with how they set up the flow of their album. This track is like if the Beach Boys had a baby with a Cow Punk band. The instrumentation is perfect. The melodies are incredible and by the time it ends – it’s punching you in the face, like in a good way, like if you paid someone to do it.

“Nemesis” moves in after and the instrumentation and the melodies remind me of later Propagandhi. The lyrics though, are what actually really get me. Think of an old cartoon where you have the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. But the angel got drunk the night before and forgot to show up for work. And the shoulders belong to a super pessimistic person and the only person to ground this guy is the devil on his other shoulder. I think everybody can relate to that.

Next up is a song called “Crescent Moon” and it’s exactly what you need coming off of the last track. It’s like the day after your shittiest day. The melody is a little more upbeat and the vocals are a little softer. The lyrics remind you that you’re not going to stay in whatever bad spot forever and most things are just temporary. 


Side note, I’m only four songs in and this album has so many ups and downs already. It’s taking me on a trip.

Next up is a song called “Rockbiter.” The lyrics just lay out barebones what it feels like to know that you’ve lost something so good and what it feels like to try to put your life back together after that. The drums come in with emphasis on just the right spots that it hit you hard.

The vocal melodies in “Nocking” are cavity sweet. The whole song is super melodic with killer stops. I love how they play with the tempos on this whole album. Ripping lead. So rad.

“Reflection” starts up with a fast kick to the face before kicking you in the heart. The song talks about looking back, not having regrets, and living like Sinatra says, my waySalty Wounds” is another soul searcher. Nothing like having someone lose faith in you only for it to reinforce your drive. You will prevail.

“Framing the Moon” is a great way to bridge the gap between how music and relationships pull on the same heart strings. It’s a little ska, a little Goldfinger-y. “Occupy” really speaks to the current world. It’s a perfect representation of how the masses can have a much louder voice. While it is more aimed at corporate greed, it could just as easily be talking about the BLM movement or #metoo. The people will have their say in the end.

“One god Further” takes a shot at the religiously devout. Are you even paying attention? There is no God that is based on science. “Ludlow” is a story of being under the thumb of your work until you die. The Capitalist system is designed to keep you working while the rich get richer off of the sweat of their workers. We fought the English to do away with the royal class only to build our own.

The whole LP is written to sit down and listen through in order. Musicianship wise – you couldn’t ask for a better album. I say check these dudes out. Then come see them live as they are just as rad in person. And chances are they will be playing with Paperback Tragedy and Idleminds. I’m stoked to consider them my friends.

Chris likes punk rock. He sings in the band IDLEMINDS and scouts for Snubbed By Allegedly. He’s ok. Not great, but not terrible. Believe him when he says that bands are good and read into it when he says nothing. 

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