Our Brains Hurt presents: A Night at the Pie Shop

If pressed about which music venue is my favorite, I’d have a hard time narrowing it down. I go to different locations for different reasons. Although, I will admit that the Pie Shop in DC is definitely near the top of that list. Downstairs is the store front where you can purchase a slice of either sweet or savory pie. (I had the Guinness Steak that night and took a piece of the Chocolate Chess home in my purse to eat in bed the next morning. Both amazing.) Then you head up a flight of stairs to the bar and stage area. With a capacity of 150, the Pie Shop is large enough to appeal to touring bands while still maintaining that intimate feel. The sound is also always stellar so shout out to the in-house tech! The best part of this venue, though, are some of the promoters who put on the shows. Most notably, Our Brains Hurt, who was the host that evening for the epic line up of 40 REPS, Over Our Eyes, American Television, and DIESEL BOY!!!!

I was not expecting the vocals that came out of 40 REPS! Wow. This was my first viewing of the eccentric band, but they are definitely on my radar now. 

Next up, Over Our Eyes, took the stage and gave their typical top notch performance. We even got a brand new song, a golden oldie cover, and whispers that a music video was being shot. 

American Television are DMV veterans and they delivered on their home turf. Shout out to Yukon Cornelis, their latest addition, who shined on stage that night and to Matt Alive and Mike Pruitt for lending their gang vocals. 

I last saw Diesel Boy in the late 90’s so I was pretty jazzed when they announced their DC date. They were just as fun as I remembered, but the highlight of the evening was Chris Joyce, frontman of Idleminds, jumping on stage and singing, “Titty Twister,” with the band. 

You know that the show will be well supported when Our Brains Hurt is involved. Need proof of that? You can find them in the front row of every set, singing their hearts out with the rest of us. Thanks to those OBH boys, the Pie Shop, and all of the bands for a lovely evening. 10/10 core memory stuff. 

Breezy McMullen is the Editor in Chief at PA and Find Out. In addition to her duties here, she is also a co-owner of Allegedly Records, runs Snubbed By Allegedly, and is a founding member of the international co-op, Scene to Scene. When she’s not herding children or musicians, you can find her in the woods or on a lake getting stoned…. probably. 

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